(Workshop) Building microk8s Server on Raspberry Pi - to understand k8s mechanism
Have you tried Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi? Raspberry Pi is now standard ‘Single Board Computer’ works with several OSes. It is cheap and easy to handle - IoT devices and server evaluation. In this workshop, Masafumi focus on Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi, especially k8s+container on 8GB Raspberry Pi 4B; Masafumi will instruct how to build the container environment with microk8s - a lightweight k8s to understand k8s easily:
- Install the Ubuntu environment
- Install container environment
- Install microk8s
- Try container cluster with microk8s
- Suppose the k8s web server cluster
- Ingress setting
- replica set setting to auto-scaling
- external routing
- issues on the server Certificate
- Suppose the k8s web server cluster
Prior knowledge
Container environment knowledges: What container is and What kubernetes is
What participants need to prepare for your workshop
Bring your Laptop to make Ubuntu OS media with Etcher or Raspberry Pi imager and control Raspberry Pi from your PC.
What audience can learn from this session
Attendess will expect how to use Raspberry Pi on Ubuntu and how to try container environment on Raspberry Pi
About the speaker
Masafumi is leading Raspberry Pi community in Japan and helping Raspberry Pi business/community in Asian area - not only Japan but also Taiwan/China/Korea and more. for more detail please visit https://masafumi.me/ my personal introduction.